Five Things Friday

Hi lovelies! <– how do you feel about “lovelies”? An instructor at my yoga studio uses it all the time, and I can’t decide how I feel about it. I’m gonna keep playing with it until I decide. 😉 

Anyways…clearly it’s Friday because my mind is all over the map. I started a new job this week (details to come!!!) and I’m completely in love with it. My coworkers, the office environment – I feel beyond lucky to have landed this role.

Time for some 5 things action. Thanks for hosting, Clare!


Five Things I Ate:

Final lost my Cronut virginity! I know I’m way late to the cronut game, and I guess it wasn’t technically a cronut, since it wasn’t from Dominique Ansel. Speaking of Dominique Ansel, can we talk about this for a second?

Cookie shots. Shut the front door. GENIUS.

Anyway, my boss brought this gorgeous box of faux-cronuts from Mille-feuille to work on my first day, and they were pretty insane. I practically inhaled the apple flavor.


So purdy.

I want this again and again and again.

Apple! I want this again and again and again.

I’ve been on a smoked salmon kick lately. So salty. So good.


Easy meal of the week: smoked salmon on Ezekiel toast with Alouette cheese, Brussels, sautéed greens & hummus sides.

Picked up these Dark Chocolate Coconut bites at the NYC Vegetarian Food Festival last weekend, and they’re perfect. The people at the Organic Living Superfoods booth were total sweethearts, so I had no problem forking over $3 for this baby bag of chocolate crack. Described as “The Healthy ‘Almond Joy’ with ‘Mounds of Flavor”, they totally hit the spot after lunch. Because I require chocolate after every meal. No exceptions.


Dairy free, gluten free, raw, vegan, organic – and incredible. Yes please.

I spent last weekend back in Boston for a last hurrah before the new job began. The weekend was filled with homemade food and plenty of restaurant visits. This meal at the East Coast Grill with my best friend Kira was a hodge-podge of appetizers – my favorite way to eat! Sharing is caring, people.


Tuna tacos, fries, and brussel sprouts with bacon. We’re nothing if not well-rounded!


With mandatory margaritas. Duh. Convenient that my brother is the bartender. I’m running out of funds!

A dinner at The Beehive was also on the agenda – unfortunately I forgot to take photos of the food, but it was spectacular. We started with the Mezze Platter (loaded with hot pita bread, hummus, baba ghanoush, some awesome beet spread, olives – basically everything good in this world). I had the sole for my entree, and it was great – but the star was probably my brother’s Beehive Cassoulet (braised lamb shank, duck confit, and garlic sausage).

Five Workouts: 

Monday: 60 minute Power Vinyasa Class

Tuesday: did a 10K on the treadmill and a little bit of the Stairmaster – I never knew I liked the Stairmaster! Recent discovery. My butt will (hopefully) thank me.


Mastering the stairs!

Wednesday: took it off – wine tasting and Chinese feast at work, and wasn’t going to pass that up!

Thursday: another Power Vinyasa class

Friday: 7 mile morning run. It wasn’t too brutally cold out, so it was nice to get off the treadmill and onto the street!

Weekend: planning a run and a yoga session, not sure in what order quite yet. Friends in town!

Five Posts I Love: 

Why Writers Are The Worst Procrastinators

If I Hadn’t Stopped Dieting – UGH I adore Carly. This was an emotional read for me.

Why I Prefer Being Single

Eating Healthy Most of the Time Is Good Enough

Thoughts on “Thin” (+ Simple Truth Recipe Reveal: Part III)

Five Things Making Me Happy: 

The new gig! And figuring out how to implement some ideas I have into my position.

One of my best friends from high school coming to town and staying with me this weekend. Familiar face = comfort.

The weather forecast for this weekend. Winter, I’m so over you.

House of Cards! Never thought I’d be this into a political drama. But I can’t get enough of it. Scandal, I’m coming for you next.

Guilty pleasure pop. Namely Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, and Zedd. No shame.

What’s on your agenda for the weekend?



Protein Persuasion

Hi loves!

The past couple of weeks have been a bit cray. I learned that I landed the job I’ve been vying (details to come soon!), and while I’m over-the-moon excited, I’m also nervous/terrified/sad to be leaving my old coworkers.


{via pinterest}

Along with this change, I’m still working on launching my jewelry site, maintaining my workout schedule and fitting in appointments, including my all-time favorite – the annual physical. SO fun.

I kid, I kid. Honestly, I love my doctor. She’s the first doctor I found all on my own since moving to NYC (I’m a big girl now!), and she’s phenomenal. I had a couple of things I wanted to talk to her about, but I’ll spare the intimate details. Needless to say, one of my main concerns is how freakin’ tired I’ve been lately.

I know I need more sleep – that’s a no-brainer. But it’s more than that. It’s a lethargy I just can’t seem to shake, and I had a hunch that it’s because I’ve upped my exercise without knowing how to recharge my batteries the correct way.

I’ve only really been a “runner” since this past summer, and have only been running longer distances (6-8 miles, 3-4x a week) for about 5 months (I think?). I’ve touched on this before, but I’m still not entirely sure if I’m fueling my body properly. In my mind, I eat plenty, but I haven’t really changed the amount I eat since my pre-running days. To be honest, changing up my diet scares me – I’m sure anyone who’s lost a significant amount of weight can relate. Once you fall into a maintenance routine, switching it up can bring up a lot of emotions and anxiety.

Will I gain weight back?

Will I undo all of my hard work?

While I rationally know that I SHOULD be adapting my diet to fuel my workouts, I wanted my doctor’s advice (read: approval) on the best way to do this.

So I told her straight up: “I’m tired. My I’m running and I have no intention of stopping. It clears my head. I feel good (physically and mentally) DURING my runs and yoga sessions. I eat well. But sometimes, standing at the bottom of the subway stairs at 7:37 on a Tuesday morning, the thought of climbing said stairs makes me want to have a public temper tantrum. HALPPP!”

Her reply?

“Eat more protein, dammit!”

God, she’s cool.


Is this a sign, Whole Foods?! I’m taking it as one.

I’m not a numbers person, I’m a visual person. Start talking about grams of this and ounces of that, and my brain literally shuts down. Blame the English major in me.

It was such a relief when her recommendation was as simple as adding 3-4 extra servings of protein to my diet a week. The best part? No measuring! She simply said “meh, about the size of your palm, don’t worry about weighing anything. Just eat it!”

Not gonna fight with that!

I already eat protein at every meal, so I’ve simply focused on adding MORE. Oatmeal for breakfast? I’ve started stirring in a half a scoop of vanilla protein powder. SO delicious, and fuels me for longer.


Protein oats! And yes, that IS indeed coconut water in a champagne glass. I was feeling fancy.

Eggs for dinner? I’ve been making it a scramble with extra egg whites.


Sweet potato + eggs + sautéed kale + cheese = staple dinner. Doused in ketchup.

More excuses to eat tons of fish? Yes, please!


I sea food! Big ole tuna steak with quinoa & greens at Legal C Bar during a trip home to Beantown.

I’ve also been upping my quinoa, chicken, cottage cheese, salmon, hummus and Greek yogurt intake. These are a few of my favorite thingssss anyway, so to just eat more of them? Will do!

This all may seem pretty obvious, but it’s nice to hear it from someone else. Someone who knows what they’re talking about. I know that I can get really inside of my head when it comes to food and exercise routines, so it was a welcome conversation, and a change I know I can handle.

It’s also a great reason to make all of these protein-packed recipes I’ve had my eye on!

Vegan Peppermint Brownie Protein Muffins from Hummusapien

Crispy Parmesan Garlic Edamame from pumps & iron

Honey Chicken Salad with Grapes and Feta from Pinch of Yum

Bean Bowls with Poached Eggs from Sprouted Kitchen

Olivia Wilde’s Bomb-Diggity “Bolognese”  from FitSugar

Poached Eggs in White Wine from 101 Cookbooks

What are your favorite protein sources?

Can you relate – do you find it hard to switch up your dietary “normal”?

How to Dress when Mother Nature is Acting Like a Crazed Lunatic

Hi loves!

Here’s hoping your weekend was filled with football, beer, sporting cheer…ha, just kidding. I could care less about football. But congrats to all the Seahawks fans! I for one was more interested in this:


Puppy Bowl. Stopppp.

My weekend was filled with coffee dates in Brooklyn, a cozy dinner at a friend’s apartment in Manhattan, and working on some jewelry designs. A yoga class and a long run were thrown in, too. Saturday and Sunday was absolutely GLORIOUS outside (well, in the 40s – so it’s all relative), and I broke out my baby for some TLC:

photo (9)

my favorite toy came out to play!

Fast forward to Monday, which looked a little something like this:


The view from my office in the West Village. The background that you can’t see (not even a little, don’t even try) is the Hudson River. Hey there tundra!

So while my weekend look consisted of yoga pants, oversized sweaters and my favorite Frye boots, yesterday’s ‘fit was a bit more on the bundled side:


who needs to feel their face, anyway?

Growing up on the East Coast, I’ve learned a thing or two about adapting to the shitstorm that is Mother Nature’s hormonal rage. While I like snow, I HATE being cold. I could never live without seasons, but going from one extreme to the next on any given day definitely requires adapting, layering, and bundling to avoid pneumonia. Here are a few tricks of the snow-bunny trade (does that kinda sound sexual? anyone?) that I’ve picked up for dressing in a winter wonderland:

1. When your hands, feet, and head are cold – you’re screwed. 

While you might think you look silly in a beanie, frankly, when the real-feel temp is in the single digits, you gotta suck it up and cover.your.head! Don’t like hats? Rock a cute pair of earmuffs, or a headband! Or a snood! So many options, you’re bound to find something both cute and functional.


Cara Delevingne makes everything look cool, but especially these winter white ‘muffs.


While they’re not for the faint of heart, I’m loving neon beanies for adding a pop of color to an otherwise neutral look.

Because I’m a big baby when it comes to cold, my incredible momma mailed me Costco-sized boxes of hand and toe warmers (yes, the kind people use for skiing) to always have on hand. While they look like maxi-pads, the toe warmers have saved my life on many a frigid morning in the office, and the hand warmers are perfect for outdoor runs.


Care packages from mom are the best! (She was also probably sick of hearing me complain about being cold…)

2. Invest in a coat that’s WARM, not just cute. 

I constantly see girls walking around in leather bomber jackets or wool coats that you can just tell lack a liner or any semblance of warmth underneath the oh-so-cute pastel shell and toggle clasps. Yes, you look adorable. But can you really enjoy looking so great when your mind can only focus on the complete lack of heat you’re retaining? A warm jacket is something you’ll have forever (if you pick a timeless color/cut), and it will get you through the most brutal months with all of your limbs still intact.


LOVE how she coordinates the scarf and coat – via Brooklyn Blonde


Camel will forever be a classic – via Atlantic-Pacific


Army green – one of my favorite neutrals!

I invested in this one from Madewell – definitely a splurge, but it’s so cozy, and the liner is removable so it can transition from Fall to Winter perfectly.

3. Don’t forget to layer below the belt! 😉

It’s easy to throw on long sleeves, a sweater (or three) and scarves. What’s easier to forget is keeping your gams cozy! I’m a huge fan of skirts and dresses, even in winter. I went through a period as a toddler where I completely refused to wear anything but skirts, and they had to go “wiggle-wiggle.” Bless my dear, dear mother for putting up with my 2-year-old antics and finding every pair of leggings under the sun to keep her stylishly stubborn daughter from getting hypothermia on the preschool playground.

There’s a way to keep rocking dresses in the dead of winter, and it’s all about the tights/socks combo. On particularly cold days, I’ll wear tights under fleece-lined leggings or jeans, and I’ve been known to wear multiple pairs of tights at once. I love the look of thigh-high socks with tights and boots. I know there’s a risk-factor of channeling a Catholic schoolgirl, but as evidenced by this xoJane article, it can be done!


{via pinterest}


{via pinterest}

4. Slip on a pair of these. Because they will change your life. And you’ll look damn sexy.


Because slippers that you can microwave > lingerie

What are your tips and tricks for staying warm in glacial temps? What’s your favorite season to dress for?



Saturday Epiphanies

Cheersssss to the freakin’ weekend!

I woke up this morning after a solid night’s sleep (the first in far too long), and while I have to work tomorrow, I’m grateful for this Saturday. Plans include yoga, coffee with a friend, then dinner at another friend’s apartment. She’s making chicken pot pie and baklava, so I’m looking forward to some comfort food! I’m on veggie duty and planning on bringing balsamic roasted brussel sprouts and this salad. I made it on Christmas Eve and it was a HUGE hit. Here’s hoping for a repeat success.

It’s amazing what a full night’s sleep can do for your thought process! Rather than grumbling/talking to myself/speaking in tongues while bumping into things while attempting to make myself presentable for work, I came to a few realizations:

1. Dating is hard. It sucks, really. Especially when you have the urge to slap a guy upside the head and scream “WHO BEAT YOU WITH A STUPID STICK?!?!?” – yea, no fun. But you know what makes it better? Waking up to motivational quotes like this from your mom.



Yup. I feel much better.

2. Sometimes watching reruns of shows you’ve seen 23098440 times is far more entertaining than picking something new. Sex and the City and Girls reruns ruled my Friday night while I worked on a few pieces of jewelry (hoping to launch my site soon!). Party animal.



This may be because I have commitment issues and the thought of investing 2 hours in a movie I might not like is scary…that’s the saddest sentence ever. But true! I suck with decisions. And sometimes it’s nice to not fix what’s not broken – right?!

3. Sushi is damn good comfort food.


winner winner fishy dinner

4. I know I’ve said it before, but here’s the (mildly embarrassing) proof that I have an absolutely insane number of pictures of Bloody Mary’s saved on my phone. WHO AM I?

bloody mary montage

The hunt for perfection is no easy task. It’s all for the greater good.

On the bright side, I do remember where each of these was taken! Clockwise from top left – Jimmy’s, Berry Park, East Coast Grill, Mrs. Kim’s….ehhh, just kidding, no idea where the last one is from.

5. Why did no one think of putting these two smokeshows together sooner? BRILLIANT.


Can’t Remember to Forget You = ultimate girl crushes united.

What are your weekend plans? And your weekend comfort foods? 




I feel like my brain’s been all over the map lately – there’s no way January is almost over!  In an attempt to reinstate some semblance of order, here are a few things that made my month.

A long overdue visit from my high school best friend

Kira’s train arrived pretty late on Thursday night, so we opted to sleep in on Friday and then do what we do best – brunch!!

I dragged her Juliette, my new favorite spot in Williamsburg, for an un-freaking-believable brunch. By far one of the best meals I’ve had lately.

I went with the Eggs “Forestiere” (sourdough garlic toast, wild mushrooms, creamed Tuscan kale, artichokes & fried farm eggs)

Kira went with the Warm French Green Lentil Salade (with brunoise root veggies, persillade & bruleed goat cheese) – it looked gorgeous, but not quite enough food for brunch!

The atmosphere at Juliette is French bistro mixed with a garden escape. Since it was a Friday, we managed to snag a table in the foliage-filled atrium. Such great ambiance for hours upon hours of girl talk.

Post-brunch Manis... yolo?

Post-brunch manicures… yolo?

4 mimosas (each – duh) later, we were giggly and eager for a girly treat. PSA – be careful what nail polish you choose out after generous amounts of champagne. Within minutes of spotting the nail art, we went for glitter and cherry-infused decals. But hey, they made us happy! And while they make look a little Katy Perry-ish, who doesn’t love Katy? And naturally, our matching tattoos and Catbird rings. Cuz we’re cheeseballs.

Beers and Jenga at Spritzenhaus #gamefaces #soserious


my babe!

Catching up on movies, books & TV

I finally saw ‘American Hustle’! While some parts were definitely slowwwww, I enjoyed it. For me, Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence were the shining stars. JLaw is brilliant, period. Spirit animal forever.


I also just finished Dave Eggers’ new novel The Circle, and LOVED it. I couldn’t put it down for the first 2/3, and while I didn’t love the ending, it was a quick, compelling read that really forces you to think about how much technology and social media have overtaken our lives.


While I had major issues with Season 2 of ‘Girls’, Season 3 is bringing it. Hannah’s version of OCD really resonates with my own, and Lena’s ability to highlight a different aspect of the disease than what’s typically shown in the media is really comforting.


What are your favorite reads/shows lately? Can you believe it’s February already?!



Sunday Sentiments

I’m currently tucked away in a corner in my favorite coffee shop/wine bar, Milk & Roses. Today has been low key. I often need to remind myself that it’s okay to slow it down and have a day that’s not packed to the brim with work and socializing. While I’m starting to embrace the side of myself that loves to be alone, I struggle with the fear of missing out. When I’m relaxing, reading a book, catching up on blogs or just Pinterest-ing an hour away, I often feel a nagging sense of guilt that I should be doing something more productive. But ultimately, I know that these things are as vital to my mental health as anything – and it’s when I accept this fact that I can truly relax.

Guys, winter is here. Waking up this morning to the sound of brutally cold winds whipping across my skylight was rough. I had a long run planned for today, and I knew I’d feel crappy if I didn’t at least attempt it. But this was, without a doubt, the first time this season that I struggled hardcore with getting my butt out the door and pounding the pavement.

But….I did it! Bundled up in layers upon layers, I conquered 8.4 miles, though I’m still having a bit of trouble feeling my feet. Whatevs, the sensation will come back. I’m a bit nervous for what will happen to my motivation once it becomes truly terrible outside, but finishing what I set out to do (despite the wind pushing me to tears at times) was a great feeling.

This week, I’m heading back to my home state of Massachusetts for Thanksgiving and family time. I’m looking forward to catching up with friends, home-cooked meals and cuddling with my dog. I can’t believe the holidays are officially upon us. Summer seems like yesterday, and I think I’m still in denial that leaving my apartment with bare legs is no longer an option.

But there are plenty of things to be thankful for this year, and much I am looking forward to. This week, I was grateful for:

It being (kinda, sorta, maybe) socially acceptable to break out the Christmas music. My Spotify playlist is brimming with holiday cheer, and my favorites are eclectic to say the least.


  1. Dragonette – Merry Xmas (Says Your Text Message)
  2. Rod Stewart & CeeLo Green – Merry Christmas, Baby
  3. Wham! – Last Christmas
  4. Norah Jones & Willie Nelson – Baby It’s Cold Outside
  5. Band Aid – Do They Know It’s Christmas?
  6. Michael Buble – It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Also, this. Because…well, duh. 


Being able to see this cuddlebug soon

Rango #mainman

Rango #mainman

Being able to wear the biggest sweaters imaginable with leggings and boots and still have it be ‘fashionable’ – because damn it, it’s cold.

{images via pinterest & late afternoon}

{images via pinterest & late afternoon}

Parenthood. I’m not much of a TV watcher, but this show has sucked me in. Do yourself a favor and watch it!


What are you thankful for this week?



8 Things Every Happy Woman Should Have

This list of 8 Things Every Happy Woman Should Have has been floating around for quite some time, but I only recently stumbled upon it on my daily fix of Cupcakes and Cashmere. After reading Emily’s list, I felt the urge to write down my own. It really does help hone in on the little things in life that shape who we are as women. So here goes…

Eight Things Every Happy Woman Should Have 

  1. A go-to drink… depends on the occasion and the company, but I do have my go-to’s. While it may seem cheesy, Cosmopolitans with my mom are a standby. I love most wine, though tend to go for whites over reds. I love rich seasonal beers and IPA. And no sushi dinner is complete without a lychee martini.

    Punk'n Beer. Delish, but mostly, I just bought this because my mom's nickname for me growing up was Pumpkin.

    Punk’n Beer. Delish, but mostly, I just bought this because my mom’s nickname for me growing up was Pumpkin.Shrimp Cocktail Bloody Mary at Williamsburg's Le Barricou. Get inside me. (Bloody Mary > Mimosa)Shrimp Cocktail Bloody Mary at Williamsburg’s Le Barricou. Get inside me. (Bloody Mary > Mimosa)Cucumber Rose (check out dem baby rosebuds!) Gin & Tonic at CataCucumber Rose (check out dem baby rosebuds!) Gin & Tonic at Cata

  2. A go-to Karaoke Song… ummm, no. Karoake really isn’t on my bucket list. I feel awkward enough most of the time without adding a microphone to the mix. But if I had to choose, I’d probably go for Queen. Of the ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ variety. Duh.
  1. A uniform… I love mixing girly dresses with biker boots and layers of jewelry – dresses, boots and chunky sweaters are the basis of my wardrobe. I think I love jewelry more than clothes, so my accessory stash is a bit excessive. Layers of jewelry over a simple tee, jeans and an oversized cardigan is my ultimate lazy-but-cute standby. Mixing mostly neutrals with one pop of color never fails. I’m also a fan of socks over tights in the winter -I think it might be the 8-year survivor of a Catholic all-girls school aspect of my personality peeking out?

    {via brooklyn blonde}

    {via brooklyn blonde}{via polienne}                 {via polienne}{via pinterest}{via pinterest}

  2. A hair stylist they love… still working on this one! Any NYC suggestions for long-haired blondies?
  3. An exercise routine… I used to be a die-hard gym fanatic, without realizing that I had fallen into a rut. Now I’m running more than ever, something I never thought I’d enjoy. Yet I’ve found it to be the one time of the day when I’m truly focused on the present. Yoga 2-3 times a week and running 3-4 a week is my new routine, and it feels good as hell to not be trapped in a sterile gym as often. Screen shot 2013-11-23 at 5.43.50 PM

    how convenient that my yoga studio & the wine shop are neighbors!

    how convenient that my yoga studio & the wine shop are neighbors!

  4. A hobby… making jewelry has always been a hobby that I’ve wanted to turn into something more, and I finally bit the bullet and signed up for a beadwork class at SVA for next semester. I’d love to turn a hobby into something viable and really hone my skills.
  5. A best friend… I’m lucky enough to have wonderful women in my life. My best friend from high school, from college, and from my “adult” life are three completely different individuals, but they each understand me to my core. I couldn’t live without them.
  6. A healthy sense of self… I’m getting there. I have good days and bad days, but I feel like I’m coming into my own. That’s what your twenties are for, right?

    {via pinterest}

    {via pinterest}



Weekend Scenes: From BU to Brooklyn

A couple of weeks ago, my best friend from college (Boston University) flew out for a true NYC weekend. AnnaLee lives in North Dakota, so I was hell-bent on showing her an amazing time in the city that never sleeps. But it was also really important to me that she experience the places and people that make me happy. While I was nervous that she might not be up for a Brooklyn-centric weekend, I should have known better – she knows me better than most, after all. She was all for a local Williamsburg weekend balanced out with the perfect dose of not-too-touristy sightseeing.

I picked her up from Penn Station on Thursday night, and immediately got emotional. I hadn’t seen her in over two years, and she’s one of the few people that I know will always be there, no matter what happens or how much time has elapsed. It’s comforting to know that I don’t have to explain myself or my actions around her.

After dropping her bags off at my apartment, I took her to my favorite restaurant around the corner – Anella.

Naturally, we’re of the “order-everything-that-looks-good-and-split-it-all” variety, and there were some non-negotiable dishes on the menu I insisted she had to try.

homemade burrata, pumpkin gnocchi & bread baked in a flowerpot. To die. We naturally followed this with the roasted chicken entree

Homemade Burrata, Pumpkin gnocchi & bread baked in a flowerpot. To die. We naturally followed this with the roasted chicken entree. All washed down with copious amounts of Pinot Noir.

After hours of girl talk and pumpkin beers at Oak & Iron, we snuggled up for some sleep to prepare for Day 1 of our reunion. Which of course, began with brunch – sensing a foodie theme yet? Luckily, she’s as much of a culinary adventuress as I am.


cheers, bebe

reunited and it feels so good

reunited and it feels so good

Lobster Toast & Champagne Cocktails. Cuz we be classy.

Lobster Toast & Champagne Cocktails. Cuz we be classy.

Filled with food, we made our way to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. A spontaneous Obama spotting happened – no big deal.

Brooklyn Botanic

Brooklyn Botanic

Isn't she pretty?

Isn’t she pretty? ❤

hi, gorgeous

hi, gorgeous

rose gardens took my breath away

rose gardens that took my breath away

If you’ve never been to BBG, please do yourself a favor and go! It’s absolutely stunning. I cannot wait to return for the Cherry Blossom Festival.

A Sex and the City Moment was mandatory, and fulfilled with a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge – another first!

Charlotte to my Carrie

Charlotte to my Carrie

A SoHo shopping trip and a beautiful tapas dinner at Cata rounded out the incredible day.

Cata's Salted Caramel Ice Cream Sundae. Do it.

Cata’s Salted Caramel Ice Cream Sundae. Do it. Orgasmic.

The next day was another brunch feast, this time at Le Barricou. More shopping, talking, and just catching up. I missed her more than I realized.


Eggs Benedict with Smoked Salmon

Mickey to my Minnie

Mickey to my Minnie

How did I get so lucky to have the most amazing girl friends? It was truly a weekend that fed my soul.


{via pinterest}



Sunday Reflections: Focusing on the Now

I remember hearing as a teenager how your mid-twenties are about self-doubt, fucking up, figuring out who you are, and, generally speaking, a clusterfuck of emotional inconsistency buoyed against the idea that, by 25, you should have some remote notion of who you are and what you plan on doing with your life.

At 18, that idea was laughable – 25 and still not knowing what I’m doing?! Come on, give me some credit. Of course I’ll have it figured out by then!


Most days, I wish I could still be an 8-year-old wannabe ballerina

Yet, here I am. 25, uncertain about what I want to do, scared pretty frequently, and constantly comparing myself to where everyone else is on the spectrum of adulthood.

And, to be honest, I’m alright with it. Most of the time. Ehhh…some of the time.

I’ve found friends that I trust and who aren’t afraid to put me in my place when I’m being a little crazy – which, frankly, can be often.

I’ve learned that love isn’t something that’s a yes-or-no thing. To care about someone so much, to want nothing else than to be around that person, and to feel that terrifying “do they like me too” sensation – yes, it’s uncomfortable and freaky and hard, but it’s worth it when you think it might be a person who could be in your life for a while.


This week has been trying, to say the least. A mass layoff at my company impacted some of the people I care the most about, and I’m dreading going to the office tomorrow and not seeing some of those faces that made me feel home. While I know that it’s a part of life, the pressing reality of negative change is terrifying.

I try to embrace Sundays for what they are – a time to relax, recharge, and begin a new week on the right foot. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but here are a few things that have gotten me through lately. Some silly, some serious, some random. Such is life?


I never, ever thought I would call myself a runner. Hell, I don’t really see myself as a runner. But it’s transformed from something I used to dread with every fiber of my being into an escape. Today marked my 3rd (unofficial) 10K, and I’m kinda damn proud of myself. Doesn’t hurt that it does wonders for your legs, right?

I never thought I’d say this, but the thought of stepping inside a gym lately makes me want to vomit a bit. I refuse to, until I absolutely have to – so, when the first snow hits the ground, me and the gym might have a reunion. But for now, it’s outside or a yoga studio or bust. Next goal – half marathon. We’ll see how that goes…

A Bedroom Revamp

I adore my bedroom, but it could use a burst of…something. A new color? New lighting? I’m not sure what just yet, but I tend to gravitate towards light palettes with an antique je ne sais quoi. I’m seeing inspiration in these amazing abodes:

room4 room1 room2 room3

{images via pinterest}

Fall Fashion 

Socks? Scarves? Boots? Where have you been all my life, lovers…

fallfashion5 fallfashion1 fallfashion2 fallfashion4 fallfashion3

I just picked up these ass-kicking boots, and I can’t wait to pair them with everything from denim to over-the-top girly dresses.

{images via pinterest}

This salad dressing 


{image via goop}

Put it on everything. Bathe in it. You’ll thank me (or Gwyneth) in the morning.

These quotes. 

Because there is truly no such thing as too many quotes. Words are where it’s at.

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{images via pinterest. duh. sensing a theme?}



Oh hey, it’s me! Remember me?

Hey there kids! Long time no talk. I peaced out of the blog world for God knows how long, mainly because I didn’t think I had anything unique, witty or entertaining enough to say.

But then I stopped and thought about it. Isn’t that what a blog is all about? Writing about your life, from whichever angle you so choose to frame it, and (hopefully) striking a chord with someone, somewhere?

The blogs I read and love aren’t the ones that have profound, complex novellas Frankly, that would bore me. The ones I love are funny, personal, and yea, can go pretty deep. But they also reveal the little pieces of a person’s life, the good/bad/boring, that are refreshing and REAL.

That’s the new approach. Writing, for me, is like therapy. I’ve been out of therapy for too long (well, actually, my therapist dumped me, but that’s another story for another day). So time to get back in the saddle.

I’m going to write about what’s on my mind, and my mind is kind of all over the place, so consider that a PSA. I’ve been a bit creatively constipated as of late, so a verbal laxative is in order. Was that gross? Sorry!!!

A hell of a lot has happened in the past year. This month marks my 2-year anniversary in NYC (holy hell), and I recently celebrated my 25th birthday (holier hell). I think there’s a New York City syndrome where every year feels like 10.  Life is on speed here, and with the sheer amount of opportunities and things to do, people to meet – you turn around and wonder how it all happened in this itty bitty amount of time. Let’s take a stroll through some of the highlights from this past year alone, shall we?

1. Starting a new job. 

I moved to New York with an internship-turned-job in fashion, that was great for a while. Until it wasn’t. I took the Holstee to heart and quit. I supported myself with some freelance writing gigs for few months, but quickly realized that while freelance is fun (in theory), I need structure of some kind. Or else I’ll sit around all day staring at the walls and reassuring myself that, somewhere in the world, it’s 5 o’clock, so pouring a cocktail is completely acceptable.

My new job is with an incredible online design store, and for the first time, I’m starting to feel like a real, live adult. In no way does that mean that I feel like I know what I’m doing, but I’m getting there – and that must count for something.

2. Getting a spontaneous tattoo with my best friend.

Yes, friendship tattoos. We went there. And I wouldn’t have done it with anyone else.


3. Perfected the art of brunching

Any meal consumed on a non-workday with people you care about is enough to be happy over. Throw in eggs and Bloody Marys? Done.


3. Finding yoga, then falling in love with it.

Before this year, I was still in the mindset that if my butt wasn’t on a machine in the gym, I was being lazy. I had tried yoga, but could never fully get into it. This year, finding a yoga studio I truly love flipped my gym obsession on its behind. My body feels so much stronger with 3-4 weekly power vinyasa classes than it ever did with tedious elliptical/treadmill sessions, and the emotional benefits are too great to ever turn my back on.


3. Finding true friends.

Despite being surrounded by people all of the time, finding key people – friends you just know will be major players in your life – isn’t easy. In a city where acquaintances are easy to come by, trust is a tougher thing to find. This year, I’m finding individuals who’ve taught me so many things about both myself and the world. I’m beyond lucky. As much as I love my alone time, there is nothing that can compare to sharing an experience with someone.

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Glad to be back at this blogging thing. It’s been too long.

